Wavin UK Blog

Implications of a Poor Indoor Climate Strategy for New Build Developments in the UK

Written by Wavin UK | May 13, 2024 8:37:10 AM

As the construction industry in the UK continues to expand, ensuring proper indoor climate management in new build developments becomes increasingly crucial. A poor indoor climate strategy can lead to a myriad of issues affecting both occupants and the environment. 





Today in the next part of our weekly industry insight series Tony Croke, Product Manager for Indoor Climate Solutions in Wavin UK & Ireland, explores the potential consequences of neglecting indoor climate considerations in new build projects across the United Kingdom.

Health Impacts:

One of the most immediate consequences of a poor indoor climate strategy is its impact on human health. Inadequate ventilation, improper temperature control, and high humidity levels can contribute to a range of health problems such as respiratory issues, allergies, and aggravated asthma symptoms. Additionally, poor indoor air quality resulting from insufficient ventilation can lead to an accumulation of pollutants, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and mould spores, further exacerbating health concerns. The main stream news outlets have recently been drawing attention to this issue as families living in these poor climate conditions are increasingly getting very sick due to the environments within their homes.


Thermal comfort and Well-being:

A substandard indoor climate can significantly compromise the thermal comfort and well-being of building occupants. Fluctuating temperatures, inadequate heating or cooling, and poor acoustics can create an uncomfortable living or working environment, negatively impacting, concentration, and overall satisfaction. By way of an example, it has been evident that children studying for their school exams at this time of year can be severely affected without a comfortable home environment. Furthermore, excessive noise levels due to poor insulation and ventilation can disturb occupants' sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and decreased cognitive function.


Energy Efficiency and Sustainability:

Inefficient indoor climate management not only affects the heating bills for occupants but also has broader implications for energy consumption and environmental sustainability. Inadequately insulated buildings may require higher energy inputs for heating and cooling, resulting in increased carbon emissions and greater reliance on fossil fuels. Moreover, poor ventilation design can lead to energy losses and contribute to higher operational costs over the building's lifespan. Neglecting indoor climate considerations in new build developments undermines efforts to promote energy efficiency and meet sustainability targets outlined in national and international regulations.


Structural Integrity and Durability:

Indoor climate factors such as excessive moisture levels can compromise the structural integrity and durability of buildings over time. Moisture accumulation due to poor ventilation or insulation can lead to dampness, mould growth, and decay of building materials, resulting in costly repairs and maintenance efforts. Furthermore, fluctuating temperature and humidity levels can cause thermal expansion and contraction, potentially leading to cracks, leaks, and other structural defects if not properly addressed during the design and construction phases.


Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

Failure to implement adequate indoor climate strategies in new build developments can expose developers, contractors, and building owners to legal and regulatory liabilities. Building codes and standards, such as Part F (Ventilation) and Part L (Conservation of Fuel and Power) of the Building Regulations in England and equivalent regulations in other UK nations, mandate certain indoor climate requirements to ensure occupant health, safety, and comfort. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in penalties, delays, and reputational damage to stakeholders involved in the construction process.


In conclusion, neglecting indoor climate considerations in new build developments in the UK can have far-reaching consequences, affecting human health, comfort, energy efficiency, sustainability, structural integrity, and legal compliance. It is imperative for stakeholders in the construction industry to prioritize indoor climate management from the early stages of design through to occupancy. By integrating effective ventilation, insulation, heating, and cooling systems, new build projects can create healthier, more comfortable, and environmentally sustainable indoor environments for occupants while mitigating potential risks and liabilities. Home buyers are becoming increasingly aware of the value of a healthy and efficiently designed home and are willing to pay more for such a home.


At Wavin, our purpose is to build healthy sustainable environments. Our tailored indoor climate solutions feature our market leading systems and products including underfloor heating, heat interface units, MVHR and single controls (interfacing with all of these technologies). They provide the following benefits:

  • Improved energy efficiency
  • Low maintenance
  • More space and design freedom
  • Compatible with all floor types and coverings
  • Comfortable environments with even heat and less dust
  • Full zone control
  • Flexible solutions including installation and after-sales support
  • Design and system selection support
  • Wavin’s extensive experience in residential projects as the market leader in Europe