Understanding Pipe Support for Soil and Waste Systems

Proper pipe support is a cornerstone of reliable and efficient plumbing systems. Here is a quick guide on pipe support for Soil and Waste Systems.


Proper pipe support is a cornerstone of reliable and efficient plumbing systems. Wavin Ireland, a leader in innovative piping solutions, offers systems designed for durability, ease of installation, and compliance with modern building standards. However, ensuring these systems perform optimally requires a robust understanding of pipe support. The right support can significantly extend the lifespan and functionality of your piping infrastructure. In this blog, we'll explore best practices for pipe support.


Plastic Pipes

Holderbats (brackets) of metal, plastics coated in metal or any other suitable material may be used for fixing plastic pipes, but care should be taken to ensure that the pipe support does not bite into the external surface of the pipe when tightened. Where anchor points are required to control thermal movement, the holderbats (brackets) are usually fitted on the pipe sockets between special ribs. Intermediate guide brackets fitted to the pipe barrel should allow thermal movement to take place.4S083B 

Distance Between Pipe Supports

The distance between pipe supports should not exceed those shown in Table NF.1. In vertical pipe runs there should be at least one pipe support bracket at each storey height, fixed behind a collar to support the vertical load, avoid downward movement of the pipes and loss of expansion gaps. Supports should be adjacent to joints and of adequate strength to carry the weight of the pipe plus contents. 

Where the layout requires shorter lengths than the maximum, support distances should be adjusted to suit these shorter lengths and provision of lateral bracing should be considered when pipes are flexibly jointed. 


Maximising Pipe Support

Estimating Data

The following data is provided to help estimation of quantities required for pipe support and jointing. 

Pipe Support

Pipes should be supported at the maximum centre's shown in the table.

Offset Bends

Pipe brackets should also be fitted around the Offset Bend or directly below. 


table for pipe brackets

Note: The above table is only applicable for Wavin PVC-U, ABS/PVC-C Waste and Overflow Systems.

pipe support