As the movement to reduce single-use plastic and plastic pollution grows stronger, new and innovative enterprises to recycle materials into something useful are launching to help address the issues. At Wavin Ireland, we clearly recognise that we all have our part to play in creating a more sustainable world and are pleased to be able to support No Butts, an innovative start-up company by providing sewer pipe for the manufacture of their “Stashtray” cigarette waste recycling bins.
Put simply, No Butts turns cigarette waste into something useful. On average a cigarette is used for just 7 minutes before being discarded making it one of the world's most deadly plastic pollutants. No Butts partners with public and private organisations to capture and recycle cigarette butts using their own Stashtray bins. By reducing the plastic pollution going into the environment and reducing carbon emissions by replacing virgin materials with recycled materials, the potential environmental benefits are staggering. 6 trillion cigarette butts are disposed of annually with 48% going to landfill, 23% into the ocean and 29% into nature. The processing of cigarette butts involves extracting and controlled destruction of the toxins before creating recycled plastic that can be used for any purpose.

I am really pleased to celebrate a really important milestone for nobutts in reaching their 100th installation with around 250,000 butts processed already. I hope that they will go on to make many more installations and wish them every success in their mission to reduce the number of harmful cigarette butts in the world and at the same time contribute to sustainability by being able to extract a valuable recycled plastic from what is essentially harmful waste.Michael O'Donohoe , Country Director of Wavin Ireland
For further information on nobutts visit