Wavin Singapore


Written by goldenrabbit | Feb 16, 2015 7:34:00 AM

Pemba Island, part of the Zanzibar Islands, is a remarkable place. The traditional economy of rich fishing grounds and growing cloves has recently been boosted through the rapid rise of tourism. All these activities depend on the island’s value as an environment of exceptional beauty and purity – but more visitors mean more sewage and a corresponding growth in environmental risk.


Until recently, raw sewage was being discharged straight into the sea. This was in part due to lack of environmental awareness and in part due to the lack of money needed to remedy the situation.  

Not only was this disastrous for the sensitive marine environment. It was also a serious risk to public health, particularly during the regular rainy season, when flooding is the norm in low-lying island areas.

ECVM (the European Council for Vinyl Manufacturers), in partnership with Dutch NGO Agua4All, donated both the PVC pipes and the necessary technical expertise required to build a new waste water system on Pemba.
Wavin products have been an enormous advance on traditional civil engineering materials. Since the programme went live in 2009, we have not experienced a single problem in the operation of the sewerage system.
Johan Anneveldt , Aqua4All
The project uses international aid and enables local communities to help themselves - improving quality-of-life for local residents; minimizing environmental impact; and boosting the local economy.

Wavin provided over 590 Tegra inspection chambers and all the plastic pipe and fitting needed to complete this extensive 12.1 kilometre infrastructure project.

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