Wavin cares deeply about the quality of our drinking water. After all, water is the most precious of all natural resources. But according to the World Health Organization, more than one billion people lack access to adequate water. A community’s tap water is of paramount importance, and transportation and storage are major concerns too. That’s why Wavin is dedicated to water pipe systems that set the highest standards for safety and hygiene.
Some ask if using bottled water is the best option. Well tap water and bottled water are generally comparable in terms of safety according to the Mayo Clinic, and health expert Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. But it depends on the community, the pipes and the water treatment system.
The question of water safety is not a new phenomenon. The CDC tells us that the Duke of Württemberg, Germany warned against the use of lead in drinking water pipes in 1793, yet it was nearly a century later, in 1878, when lead pipes were outlawed due to concerns for the negative health effects. Today in the EU, water and sanitation are considered a basic human right and a public good, not a commodity. Protection of our precious water resources, both the water we drink and bathe in as well as fresh and salt water ecosystems, is the cornerstones of environmental protection in Europe. The stakes couldn’t be higher, and they transcend national boundaries.
It’s what Wavin’s expertise is all about. A good example is Rotterdam’s Maasstad Hospital, opened in 2010 and established as one of the most advanced hospital in the Netherlands. Wavin was involved from the earliest stages of construction, with sanitation and hygiene being the top priority. The Wavin Tigris system met all the requirements and banished corrosion concerns while delivering long-life performance. That’s how Wavin generates continuous value to the community, in a safe, reliable and cost effective way!
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